Monday, May 31, 2010

Where is the slick solution?

The cataclysmic Gulf oil spill is surely a sign of our dysfunctional times. In a matter of days, men went to the moon and saved the Apollo 13 crew from going into orbit around the sun. The Hubble camera brings us beautiful insights into the mysteries of deep space. In the Afghan war, drone aircraft, piloted from thousands of miles away, attack 'terrorist enemies'.
Yet, after 40 days of trial and error they cannot plug an oil leak that now threatens to contaminate beaches and wetlands thousands of miles away.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I'm late, I'm late

I can't believe it's been nearly two years since I've posted to my blog! I had every intention of filling up pages with photos of kittens, sunsets and close-ups of babies, however I appear to have been distracted. No need to bore anyone with details, stuff happens when...oh look...kittens.
The lovely photo is by the wonderfully talented Maggie Taylor, whose art takes me behind the looking glass. (